Developing CarbonSAFE geologic CO2 storage complexes
Partnering with ISGS and others, Projeo is working on multiple DOE-NETL Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) initiatives to ensure safe, secure, efficient, and cost-effective CO2 containment in diverse geologic formations throughout the Illinois Basin—including the Illinois East Sub-Basin, the Macon County project, the Wabash Valley Resources project, and the Illinois Storage Corridor project.
Assessments have identified sites and established feasibility of their capability to store more than 50 million metric tons of CO2 from industrial sources that can be used for commercial-scale CO2 geological storage as permitted U.S. EPA Class VI CO2 injection well sites.
High-level technical evaluations are providing detailed subsurface characterization and identifying risks. Datasets of formation parameters have been developed and are being used in modeling to examine site performance and long-term security.
The initiatives have demonstrated carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology at real-world, commercial-scale facilities for ammonia production, ethanol production, and coal-fired power generation. Efforts support NETL’s mission to develop and advance CCS technologies for widespread commercial deployment in the 2025 to 2035 timeframe.